Sunday, June 9, 2013

Malery's Suggestions

Hey guys. It's Malery here and I'm here to give your LPS divas a great look! Snap a clip on your rubber band, take some screws and, voila! Tie the rubber band around the head and let em' hold some screws! That's an awesome fixer diva! ;)

Skye's Reading Suggestions

Hey guys! It's Skye here again and I'd like to give you a reading suggestion. I know this is not in relate to the blog but lots of us are going to be doing stuff like this. A good reading suggestion for a LPS like me is, The Kittys Grimm. And in our relates and brothers for this series, The Doggies Grimm! But I'd warn you for this part. The Kittys Grimm is much more better for your LPS kittiers! For your LPS Doggiers, I then prefer The Doggies Grimm. ._.

Skye's Suggestions

Hey guys! It's Skye here and these are my suggestions for your LPS to become an incredible fashion diva! 
First, get some fruit cocktail cause' you're gonna get hungry! Next, get a LPS sized crown. Fit the crown on your LPS that you would like as a princess diva.c   You got one LPS diva down! First get a flower LPS sized. Fit it on another LPS you would like as a garden diva.c  That's two LPS divas down! Get a pink bow LPS sized. Fit it on an LPS that you would like as a plain fashion diva.c!  Welp, my work here is done. That's how you diva up your three LPS of choice! ._.